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Prudent Procedure: Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted?

March 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — evansstdental @ 5:36 pm
Extracted teeth on a tray next to dental instruments

If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, you’re not alone! It’s natural to feel nervous at the prospect of someone deliberately pulling a pearly white. You might even find yourself questioning whether it’s truly necessary, especially if you haven’t had any problems with your latest molars. If they’re not hurting then why would they need to be removed?

In most cases, your dentist will do everything they can to preserve your natural teeth. However, wisdom teeth can be the exception to this general rule because of their potential for future harm. Keep reading to learn 3 good reasons why your dentist might want to take them out sooner rather than later!

Reason #1: They Can Become Impacted

Wisdom teeth arrive in the back of your jaw years after all your other molars have grown in, and are considered a vestigial feature. That means our ancestors developed them for survival, but they aren’t necessary in our world today.

Because we have smaller jaws than our predecessors, they often don’t have enough room to fully erupt. They only partially poke through which allows harmful bacteria to penetrate your gums and cause an infection. These impacted teeth often need to be surgically removed to preserve your oral health. Many dentists prefer to take them out before they have a chance to cause problems as a result.

Reason #2: They Can Form Cysts

Another common issue with wisdom teeth is that they grow at an inappropriate angle. In many cases, this means they can’t effectively break free from your gums. They can develop an infection along with a fluid-filled balloon, or cyst, inside your jawbone. This slowly expands over time which can erode both your jaw as well as neighboring teeth. You would need more complex and costly procedures to try to remedy this kind of injury down the road, whereas it can be prevented altogether by simply pulling them out now.

Reason #3: They Can Harm Surrounding Teeth

Wisdom teeth can also damage adjacent molars by overcrowding them when they arrive. Because they typically don’t have enough room to grow in correctly, they push against nearby teeth as they try to make their way upward and outward. Even if they do manage to fully emerge, there’s still a high probability that your mouth is too small to include the latest arrivals without pushing other pearly whites out of place.

It can be hard to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth when they’re pressed too tightly together because you can’t reach all their surfaces. You’ll be more prone to issues like cavities and gum disease because of it.

Now you can see why your dentist might recommend extracting your wisdom teeth. By removing them early on, they can prevent more complicated problems later!

About the Author

Dr. Natalya Ramsay offers a full range of high-quality services in a comfortable and welcoming environment, including wisdom tooth extractions. She first attended Portland State University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science with honors. Then, she earned her degree in General Dentistry at the Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry. She uses state-of-the-art technology, like digital X-rays, to quickly identify any areas of concern and provide individualized treatment plans. If you’re worried about your wisdom teeth, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (503) 472-1402.

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