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3 Reasons Why You Won’t Regret Getting a Root Canal

August 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — evansstdental @ 5:57 pm
dental patient giving thumbs up before getting root canal in McMinnville

Has your dentist recently told you that you need a root canal? If so, your heart probably sunk at the news. After all, root canals are scary, right? Not exactly. Despite all of the rumors you may have heard, root canals are nothing to fear. They can actually be quite useful for relieving a terrible toothache and saving a severely damaged tooth. Here are three reasons why you won’t regret getting a root canal in McMinnville if you need one!

1. Root Canals Aren’t Painful

By far the most prevalent myth about root canal therapy is that the procedure causes a great deal of pain. Contrary to what movies and TV shows would have you believe, your root canal shouldn’t be any more uncomfortable than getting a filling for a cavity. Before beginning, your dentist will administer local anesthetic to keep your mouth numb the entire time. They might even offer sedation to further dull your nerves and calm your worries.

So, while your mouth might be sore for a couple of days after your root canal, the procedure itself shouldn’t hurt in the slightest.

2. Root Canals Can Actually Relieve Pain

Typically, your dentist will recommend a root canal when the soft pulp tissue at the tooth’s center is inflamed or infected. Since the pulp houses the tooth’s nerves, any damage there can result in a real monster of a toothache. Root canal therapy stops this pain by removing the diseased tissue, thoroughly cleaning out the inside of the tooth, and replacing the pulp with biocompatible material. The nerves of the tooth are completely removed, meaning you should no longer feel pain in that tooth afterward.

3. Putting Off a Root Canal Might Cost You Your Tooth

Pain is a common sign that a root canal is needed, but you might still need one even if your tooth isn’t hurting at all. You may be tempted to avoid scheduling the procedure if your tooth isn’t currently bothering you, but waiting too long for a necessary root canal could have serious consequences.

Tooth infections rarely get better on their own. Without treatment from a dentist, your tooth might suffer such extreme damage that the only way to preserve your oral health is to extract the tooth. Having a tooth removed and later replaced can cost you a whole lot more time and money than getting a root canal when your dentist recommends it. Additionally, the infection could spread to your gums and surrounding teeth, putting the rest of your smile at risk.

Root canals have an unfairly negative reputation, but the treatment can greatly benefit your dental health. If your dentist suggests that you get a root canal, get it taken care of sooner rather than later. You won’t regret it, and your future self will thank you!

About the Author

Since earning her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry, Dr. Natalya Ramsay has passionately pursued continuing education courses in a variety of dental specialties, including root canal therapy. At Evans Street Dental in McMinnville, OR, she offers several types of sedation dentistry as well as same-day emergency appointments for patients in pain. If you need a root canal, Dr. Ramsay will make sure your treatment proceeds without a hitch! Learn more by contacting her at 503-472-1402.

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