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Wondering How Long Invisalign Treatment Takes? Read This!

October 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — evansstdental @ 2:33 pm
Woman with glasses wondering

If you want to discreetly straighten your teeth, then you may have your eyes set on Invisalign. After all, over the last 20+ years, their clear aligners have become well-known for their subtle appearance, comfortable wear, and quicker turnaround time. But how long is the average Invisalign treatment timeline? The answer is between 12 and 18 months. To learn about the factors that affect the length of treatment and your role in the process, read on!

A Few Important Factors That Influence Your Treatment Timeline

Any kind of orthodontic treatment, from metal braces to discreet Invisalign, is customized entirely to your dental needs. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the treatment timeline. There are, however, a few factors that will play a role in the final answer. The first is the severity of the orthodontic issues (minor gaps vs. moderate crowding). The second is how many trays you need. The third is if you have any particularly stubborn teeth that require “refinement” aligners at the end of your treatment.

Your Role in Your Invisalign Treatment Timeline

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there is one other thing that will impact the length of your treatment timeline with Invisalign: you! To stay on track, there are a few “rules” you must follow:

  • Wear your aligners for 22 hours a day.
  • Maintain a solid oral hygiene routine (brushing both your teeth and your aligners).
  • Switch to each new set of trays on the right date.
  • Prioritize your dental visits.
  • Don’t rinse your aligners with hot water (this will warp their shape).

Why Scheduling a Consultation with Your Dentist Is Crucial

Ultimately, finding out how long your treatment timeline with Invisalign will be starts with a visit to your dentist’s office. During this appointment, they can conduct a dental exam, confirm you are a candidate, and learn about your smile goals. From there, they will put together a custom treatment plan and provide you with a timeline estimate. Lastly, they will answer any questions you have and help you take the next step toward your new and improved smile!

About the Author

For as long as she can remember, Dr. Natalya Ramsay has had a passion for helping others. This inspired her to pursue a career in dentistry! She earned her dental doctorate from the Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry and has been helping patients improve the look and function of their smiles ever since. In addition to prioritizing advanced training, she is a certified Invisalign provider. If you’re interested in learning your Invisalign treatment timeline or simply want to schedule an appointment to get started, don’t hesitate to visit her website or call 503-472-1402.

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